Has no operational impact but 'better reflects' Micro-P business

Tekdata rebrands as Micro-P Security

Tekdata Distribution has now been renamed the Micro-P Security Team.

Tekdata has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Micro-P since 2007 and the firm says the name change will have no operational impact on resellers, who will continue to trade with the same sales, technical and marketing teams they already have established relationships with, thus ensuring a seamless transition to the new branding with no disruption and assured business continuity.

Micro-P has emphasised that renaming Tekdata the Micro-P Security Team better reflects Micro-P’s current business today, as more manufacturers and resellers come to depend on Micro-P’s specialist teams to successfully serve the needs of businesses and consumers. It also believes that the rebrand will bring added benefits to Micro-P’s reseller base, an expanded product portfolio and services, to help support the growth and profitability of its partners’ businesses.

Phil Brown, commercial director, Micro-P, said: “Tekdata has established itself in the UK and Ireland as a knowledgeable and dependable IT security distributor. It has successfully been helping its reseller channel with network and internet security since 1998. IT security is a vital part of every network today and dynamically changing security threats need a specialist team to address them with market leading products and solutions. The name change to Micro-P Security Team unifies our offering, while delivering the same dedication to excellence its customers have come to rely on.”

Manufacturers and resellers can find out more information about the Micro-P Security Team at www.micropsecurity.com, and will start to see the branding evolve to reflect the name change.

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