An iPhone 4 has allegedly exploded whilst in a user's pocket

iPhone explodes in user’s pocket

Video footage has emerged online that shows an iPhone allegedly exploding whilst in a user’s pocket.

The event was caught by a nearby security camera which shows 17 year old Henri Helminen pulling the smoking device out of his pocket before throwing it down on the floor.

Footage of the event was obtained by Finnish news site Kauppalehti who spoke with Helminen following the incident.

"The phone was working perfectly beforehand" he said, and continued to state how the phone was less than three months old.

This isn’t the first time a mobile device has allegedly exploded, after PCR reported last week that a Samsung Galaxy S3 exploded whilst it was charging within a user’s car.

The company has begun an investigation into the device following the claims, commenting: “There have been recent online posts displaying pictures of a Samsung Galaxy S3 that appears to have heat-related damage at the bottom of the device. Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question."

Apple were involved in a similar incident in 2011 with their device when an Australian airline reported an iPhone 4 had begun emitting thick smoke and glowing red as a plane landed in Sydney.

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