Spire Live at Alton Towers

Spire Live, an event organised by Spire Technology at Alton Towers at the beginning of May, brought together a select group of exhibitors and attendees, including vendors, resellers, and retailers.

The primary goal of Spire Live was to create opportunities for building relationships, fostering new business connections, and providing a platform for smaller businesses to interact with multiple industry professionals. The event remained exclusive to trade-only participants, reinforcing Spire’s commitment to supporting its key partners.

Cyber Power Systems was particularly supportive of the event. UK Country Manager James Taylor said: “It’s refreshing to be at a venue that is somewhere other than London for their local retailers. Having an activity such as visiting the park makes it interesting for attendees and breaks up the day.

“There’s a lot of exposure for the brand and to talk about other services offered – and a good opportunity for meaningful conversations.”

Jon Glennister, UK country manager at Corsair added: “As a strategic partner to Spire and a number of customers, we see real value in attending. This year, like last, we are collecting good feedback on our products, direct feedback on the channel landscape and most importantly, the opportunity to engage with those independents, with whom we only tend to communicate via distribution partners.”

Elaine Laljee from Kingston said: “The location is very welcome this year as lots of clients are based North. People that attend really are coming to do business and that’s clear from conversations. We’re discussing a range of products with customers today and very pleased to be back at Spire Live.”

Glennister said: “There are a lot of independents or smaller system integrators based north of Birmingham, so the location has opened up the ability to engage with those customers. I also believe the word and success from last year’s event has spread positively, which has led to brands exhibit with more focus and wanting to showcase product better.”

Barry Loynes of Be Quiet agreed: “We’re happy to be back at Spire Live as it is a really tight community feel and gives opportunity to speak to retailers and e-trailers directly.”

“Spire Live serves more independent retailers and e-trailers,” observed business development manager, SI, for EMEA at Corsair, Andy Williams. “There’s a greater turn out of customers this year due to location and there is value in being able to speak to so many customers in one place.”

Glennister added: “The clear benefit to Spire Live and other smaller scale events like it, is the targeted element of customer engagement. It enables real focus into a select customer base and allows the brands to promote key products and technology to the customers attending.

This was echoed by Kieran Vineer, channel distribution manager at TP Link, who said: “The value Spire offers is breadth of customer because it’s difficult to get all customers in one location, and it’s more personal than larger shows.”

“There’s an intimate atmosphere as always with Spire Live, so you get better one-on-one time with customers and better quality conversations.” said Pete Johnson, UK channel manager at Norton. “I’m so impressed with the venue and managed to get on some of the rides before vendor set up time!”

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