Kickstarter project seeking $250,000 in funding

This gaming accessory forcibly takes blood out of your veins when you get hit

The creators of a gaming ‘accessory’ that takes a player’s real blood when they get hit in-game is seeking funding.

Blood Sport is after $250,000 on Kickstarter. It inserts into the player’s arm, where it will draw blood intravenously when the player gets hit or shot in-game. The founders have invented the device in a bid to encourage gamers to donate blood at various events.

UPDATE (November 25th): The project has been suspended by Kickstarter. The crowdfunding platform has not yet commented on why it has been suspended.

Most gaming controllers have a rumble feature, causing the controller to shake when a player is attacked in-game, for example.

This device will work in a similar way, except it will take your blood instead of making your controller shake.

"That rumbling means that an electrical signal is being sent to the controller to let you know you’ve been hit. All we’re doing is re-routing that same electrical signal and using it to turn on the blood collection system," said the device’s creators Brand and Grotesque on Kickstarter.

The accessory’s ‘blood collection machine’ works via an Arduino Board. This keeps the signal going to the blood collection system, and keeps track of how much blood is being pulled so that Blood Sport powers down before the player does. For example, users can input their age, weight and any pre-existing medical conditions in before ‘playing’.

Bloody hell.

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