Punch Taverns: "Pubs are more welcoming than coffee shops"

5,000 UK pubs to get free Wi-Fi in a bid to steal business from Starbucks

Punch Taverns has signed a deal with The Cloud to provide free Wi-Fi in all of its pubs for the next two years.

The operator of more than 5,000 tenanted and leased UK pubs believes that free internet will boost business. The chain believes that sales of coffee and tea will increase as people realise that their local pub is more welcoming than a Starbucks.

So could coffee shops run into trouble when those looking for a quite corner to catch up on work emails turn to pubs to wash the workload down with a sneaky pint and a go on the It Box?

Well, The Cloud claims to already provide Wi-Fi to 9,000 UK pubs, and it doesn’t look like Starbucks is struggling to get people through the door.

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