And one lucky respondent will win an Apple TV

One week left to complete PCR’s Retail Survey

No more dilly-dallying – there are now only a few days left to complete PCR’s retail surveyfor a chance to win an Apple TV.

It calls for PC and tech retailers to fill in a short questionnaire on everything from what’s performed well in 2012, to what trends are likely to impact you in 2013.

Perhaps you don’t care about the Apple TV, but completing the survey will (almost certainly) give you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that you only otherwise get with a glass of wine beside a winter’s fire.

PCR wants to ensure that it gets a good, broad response from retailers and an insight into the issues that really matter to staff on the frontline of this business.

The survey is completely anonymous and the findings will be published in the January issue of PCR. 

Everyone completing the survey will be entered into the prize draw, with the first out of hat scooping the Apple TV. The winner will be chosen at random after December 13th.

All responses to the survey will remain anonymous and you can pass on certain questions should you prefer not to answer. PCR asks that only genuine retailers take part– (please include your email details within the final question and answer box should you wish to be entered into the draw).

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