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Trade flocks to VIP’s Evolution event

Last Friday’s VIP Evolution Expo proved to be a successful outing, with over 400 attendees from across the UK.

Taking place at Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry on Friday September 7th, the day rather fittingly – considering the surroundings – focused on the future of gaming and technology.

Big brands from Microsoft to Asus, Nvidia to AMD, Intel to Synology all had stands at the event, and many hosted break-out sessions designed to focus on particular elements of their ranges.

Dealers were able to speak to VIP staff as well as representatives from all the companies on show.

PCR was amongst the press that attended, and you can see a photo album of Evolution here at our PCR Facebook page.

VIP’s Dave Stevinson commented: "VIP clearly demonstrated that an exhibition is the best way to build channel relationships. It was wonderful to see our resellers meeting face to face with our key vendors. Everyone had a great time and I have been overwhelmed with emails, texts and calls of gratitude.

“PC Gaming demand is surging and our vendors were able to take the time to share their expertise with our resellers in order that they are in best shape to deal with this opportunity. Now it is up for the VIP Sales team to ensure that the opportunities are maximised ”

Microsoft used the event to showcase the power of Windows 8, whilst NVIDIA brought along its racing seat with full motion and 3D Surround graphics, ASUS exhibited an extensive range of consumer focussed products, and AMD showed-off Eyefinity.

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