New servers increase capacity for the MMO

ArenaNet reopens digital sales of Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is available to purchase again online, after publisher NCsoft and developer ArenaNet made the decision to reopen sales.

If you’re wondering why the game wasn’t available in the first place, it’s all down to server stability. ArenaNet suspended first-party sales two days after the MMO’s launch to catch up with demand and the pressure on its servers.

Key for any online games publisher is ensuring gamers have a good playing experience – we’ve all seen the stories that emerge when players are unable to log on – and ArenaNet was keen to buy some time to expand the game’s capacity. There are now new servers for North America and Europe, and almost double the number of customer support agents.

“Preserving the customer experience has always been our top priority," said Mike O’Brien, president and cofounder of ArenaNet. "We’re supporting Guild Wars 2 for the long run. We’ll always do what it takes to deliver the best online gaming experience for our customers, even when that means throttling sales.”

Even with sales suspended, GW2 was still able to grab the number one position in the all formats charts across ten European markets – as the firm points out, making it the first PC game in the UK to have accomplished this in two years. 

The game is now available for purchase again through and retail partners.

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