New logo will be used prominently as of today

Microsoft changes logo for first time in 25 years

Microsoft has unveiled a new logo featuring squares to represent the companies ‘diverse portfolio of products’.

“Starting today, you’ll see the new Microsoft logo being used prominently. It will be used on – the 10th most visited website in the world,” reads Microsoft’s official blog.

“It is in three of our Microsoft retail stores today and will shine brightly in all our stores over the next few months. It will sign off all of our television ads globally. And it will support our products across various forms of marketing.”

The new video released by the Microsoft shows each part of the new symbol relating to a part of the company, with blue representing Windows, red being Office, green being Xbox and yellow as…umm, well it appears Microsoft couldn’t think of anything for yellow so it just decided to skip it and hope no one noticed…

Fully implementing the change takes time, so Microsoft has warned that there may be other instances where the public sees the old logo being used.

Back in February PCR report that Microsoft had released a new Windows 8 logo, in which it ditched the infamous Windows ‘flag’, choosing a new angled graphic.

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