A new survey of small to medium sized businesses suggests they're most satisfied with their own gadgets

Staff happiest using their own tech devices

Companies that let employees bring their own computer devices to work have happier staff, according to a survey by cloud computing firm Nasstar.

The survey of 300 small and medium-sized businesses suggested that firms that enabled stuff to use their own computer devices (from smartphones to laptops) at work are more attractive to employees and also have better morale within the workplace.

Almost three quarters of the surveyed bosses said letting staff use a smartphone, laptop or tablet would position their company as a ‘flexible and attractive’ employer.

Following on from this, around 64 per cent already allow their employees to do just this, and the same percentage had written policies in place to cover these activities at work. 

A slightly smaller number, at 58 per cent, felt that letting staff use their own devices had led to increased output and better efficiencies. 

Perhaps most significantly, 70 per cent felt that it was inevitable that staff would demand the flexibility to use their own devices in tandem with work technology. This surely bodes well for both retailers and resellers alike?

Cary Cooper, professor of organisational psychology and health at Lancaster University Management School, noted: "As this research shows, most people these days generally like the option of using their own computer devices at work. For employers it’s better to be flexible to their employees’ needs rather imposing ways of working that go against the preferences of their workforces.”

Charles Black, chief executive of Nassstar, said.:“There is a growing demand by today’s plugged in workforce to use their own devices at work. While some employers have a blanket ban on this, it’s clear that most in our survey realise that they look more attractive if they allow it, at least in some form. The fears expressed by some employers are also not based on the current cloud technologies, security is one of the main drivers of cloud adoption and should not be a fear.”

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