Over 65s flocking to broadband says the regulator

Ofcom says ‘silver surfers’ driving broadband take-up

A report by British telecoms regulator Ofcom reveals that an older generation of so-called ‘silver surfers’ are playing a major role in the growth of broadband take-up in the UK.

“Broadband take-up in the UK grew by 3 percentage points from 2009, but among 65-74s it grew by 9 percentage points and among over 75s by 8 percentage points,” the regulator said in the report.

Ofcom also said that the regular continues to receive a “high number of complaints about poor customer service” regarding ISPs. The complaints ranged from being ignored, to staff refusing to escalate complaints and customers being given incorrect information.

The regulator trumpeted new rules which it said would make it easier for consumers to get help resolving complaints, saying that next year telcos will need to have a dedicated complaints process. And participate in a dispute resolution service.

However Ofcom said that ISPs had eight weeks before consumers had the right to take their complaint to a dispute resolution service.

Ofcom have published information for consumers on how to make a complaint against a telecoms operator.

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